SENDay Lunch and Commissioning Party
This coming Sunday, October 25 will be our last time gathering together inside the walls of Harrah Church for the next 4 weeks.
The Word of the Lord to us was this:
Equip the Saints to be my witnesses to the ends of the earth!
Part of this obedience for us was to practice house church. We saw a great progression of the Royal Priesthood during the months we practiced house church in the spring, and we believe the Lord would have us to continue fanning those flames into the future. (If you still don’t know where you’ll be attending house church, reach out to someone you know and ask where they’re going! If you don’t know anyone, fill out THIS FORM and we will get you plugged in to a house church near you!)
To celebrate the SENDING of the saints, this weekend we will have a lunch and commissioning party!
We have purchased over 200 pounds of meat that will be smoked for our meal on Sunday.
Bring a side and dessert to share. Anything that goes with BBQ will be awesome.
Also, please note that we want our big kids to witness this SENDING party so we’ve elected to keep them with us in worship this weekend. Childcare will be available for children 5 and under.
We can’t wait to celebrate with you this Sunday!