our Kids
Our Kids
We’ve believe kids are good soil (Mark 4) — possibly the best soil in the building! We have decided as a body that we don’t have a “kids ministry”…. we simply have OUR kids. The Lord has entrusted them to us and, as a family, we’re all taking on the responsibility to bring them up in the way they should go. As a result, each adult and teen that is part of the family is asked to serve with the children in a rotation throughout the year. Every volunteer passes a background check before serving in Our Kids.
Rest Season
Our Kids follow the same calendar as the church, and therefore we have ministry seasons and rest seasons. Rest season is December - January and June - July each year. During these months, the only Sunday morning childcare available is for children 5 and under. We encourage parents of older kiddos to sit with their family, model what it looks like to worship the Lord, and ask your kids questions when you leave. Teach them the things you’re learning about Jesus!