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Uganda 2023

In following with the mission to see the Church restored to the hope of nations…..

Disciple makers and disciples from Harrah Church, Del View Baptist Church and The Little Flock Church have united together to walk out the mission of Brown to Green global to engage, equip and empower those in Uganda.  This 12 person team will be departing on June 17, 2023 for a two phase mission and returning on July 1, 2023. 

The first phase of the mission will begin with worshiping God our Father, through what the book of James describes as “pure and faultless’ by looking after the orphans and widows in their distress. The team will focus on continuing to remain where there is peace and build upon over 10 years of relationships already established in and around the village of Wera, Uganda. As one of the highlights of this phase the team will attend the graduation of 21 orphans while in Wera. Additionally the team will be engaging in new relationships and exploring for new people of peace through whom the gospel will progress. 

Phase two of the mission will be focused in and around Mbale, Uganda.  The team will be linking up with our Mbale spiritual family, a group of released disciple makers and their disciples, and coming alongside them to serve and minister in their recently planted local school and church. The team will continue to engage, equip and empower as they explore peace with the pastors of other bodies of Christ in the district. This phase will culminate with a 3 day Brown to Green equipping and empowering gathering in Mbale. This is planned to be a highly intentional gathering focused on raising up the local disciples and disciple makers to train the local pastors with Brown to Green disciple making resources. The objective is to follow a “you teach and we help” model of training using local workers to teach as the mission team comes alongside to help.  

What’s the ask of the body?

Our first ask is for you to come alongside us in prayer for the mission team and the mission field by asking the Lord to bless us, to increase us, to be with us and to keep us from harm (1 Chronicles 4:10).  Additionally, we are asking for you to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers (Luke 10:2), specifically people of peace to engage, equip and empower.

Second, we are asking you to sit with the Lord and give a freewill offering as the Lord leads you.  In 1 Chronicles 29, King David describes the work to build the temple as a “great task”, then he devoted his resources to the work. Then it says, those in “charge of the king’s work gave willing to the work of the temple”. The Lord is leading us to a mighty work, it is a great task and one we take up willingly.

1 Chronicles 29:9

The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also rejoiced greatly. 

His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as is in heaven……