Our Basic Beliefs

  • Doctrine of God
    We believe in one God eternally existing as on essence and three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God.

  • Doctrine of Revelation
    God has made Himself known through Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures and creation.

  • Doctrine of Creation and Providence
    God has created the world from nothing and holds together all things at all times in all places.

  • Doctrine of Humanity
    We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God thus possessing intrinsic dignity and worth.

  • Doctrine of Sin
    We believe that sin has fractured all things leaving all things in desperate need of salvation.

  • Doctrine of Salvation
    We believe salvation is received by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

  • Doctrine of The Church
    We believe the Church, in all of its messiness, is the vehicle chosen by God to bring hope and the message of salvation to all who will receive it. We believe in the oneness of the body of Christ as Jesus prays for in John 17. Therefore, we do not lean toward denominational language.

  • Doctrine of The Mission of the Church
    The overarching focus of the church is make disciples who can make disciples. All activity that does not feed into this is activity done in futility.

  • Doctrine of Coming Kingdom of God
    We believe that Jesus Christ will return to the world in the future to judge the living and the dead.


  • Discipling groups are by invitation only meaning someone will invite you in to a discipling relationship. The Word tells us to look for "reliable men and women" to invest our lives into. Following this method we would encourage you to put yourself in front of as many people as possible.

  • It is a commitment, but if you knew you could be completely different in a 12-16 months... would you do it?

  • We handpick people because we see Jesus doing this. If you read through any of the gospels you will watch Jesus handpick his 12 and you will see him pour his life into them. You will also watch him run from the crowds. It might not make much sense at first, but we have come to find out that Jesus is right… about everything.

  • They are looking for men and women who are teachable, reliable, and hungry for the things of Jesus.

  • In short, be patient and pursue Jesus. We believe fully that The Spirit of God will teach you all things both new and old. We also believe that The Lord has shown the world how disciple making and spiritual family work in tandem to move the kingdom of God on this earth. Our heart is for you to see this in action so that you can walk out your faith and watch dead things come to life around you.

  • Our Sunday is open to all who would come and participate in the worship of The Lord and rejoice in His good news. There is not and never will be a prerequisite to participate in this. To go beyond this or to lead in any capacity, however, we must insist on testing the reliability of people, as the end result yields access to the people of God. The way we test reliability is in the process of disciple making as this is the only vehicle Jesus modeled for us.

  • This is a great question. We see Jesus disciple his twelve and in this process He teaches them to become ministers of the Gospel. It is this transition we watch throughout His ministry that allows us to see these men take their rightful spots in the book of Acts as the Gospel expands past Jerusalem. Nothing has changed. Evangelism is a function of any discipling model lest the model collapse upon itself in nothing more than a modern day social club.