The Importance of Language in Making Disciples...Part 2
Hey There,
Indulge me for 30 seconds as I give you a beautiful picture of the power of sharing a common language.
It was just about noon today when Jenny, Priscilla, and myself were wrapping up our weekly, Thursday morning meeting, when in walks some good friends from three other churches.
It’s probably not fair to call these guys and girls “good friends” because actually they are disciple-makers from other churches or more accuratley said, “disciple-making brothers and sisters from other bodies of Christ”.
As we stood in the hallway with one another (all 7 of us), we quickly conversed about what was going on with us in the process of discipleship, where our people were, and what phase of discipleship we enjoyed and hated the most. In addition to this we also revealed, in not so shallow terms, our APEST gift set to one another. All of this, in less than 4 minutes, with some of us barely knowing each other. Why?
Because we all originated from the same disciple-maker who taught us the same language while each of us are playing in different bodies of our Lord.
The great joy in all of this is the mass unity between us as we move the Kingdom via disciple-making. Sound too good to be true?
I am reminded of these things..
“How good is it when brothers dwell together in unity". Psalms 133:1
“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common” Acts 2:42-44
Grace and Peace,