A letter to my brothers and sisters
To my dear brothers and sisters
I once took a class on ethics and morals. The class was on ethics and morals as a Christian, a minor difference. You might think that someone might obviously be a Christian if they have good morals. You would be wrong. Not every good hearted or good intentioned person is a Christian. Good morals are not enough when we consider the dire situation of our salvation. Good morals are not enough when it comes to that eternal salvation. While attending this class, I had an assignment to do a biography over one person from the textbook. I chose Aristotle. I knew that Aristotle had that good heart and good morals belief. My professor ended up having me write mine on Augustine. I had already done much of the work on Aristotle. I didn’t want to change now. It was more than that. I didn’t want to write about someone who was so far from Christ the first half of his life. Augustine was raised by a pagan father and a Catholic Christian mother. It wasn’t until a series of wrong turns and following flawed theology that Augustine found Christ. I grew up knowing about God. The theology of God. The list of laws you are to follow in order to get the golden ticket. I was not much for rules. In my research of the law, I missed the grace. Augustine heard one thing that drove his soul to conversion.
Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. Romans 13:13-14
It only makes sense that this is the letter from Paul, that Augustine related to so well. This letter was written to the Romans who, even with all of their education, were still dead in their sin. This letter was written centuries before Augustine ever read it, and yet the Romans were still the same predicament when Augustine got his hands on it. So, I have to ask, what scripture stirred your soul enough to change your entire being? What scripture allowed you to hear the voice of the Lord?
- Your Sister