The Undesirable Times

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Life has gotten crazy! We have children not going to school. We have millions of people unemployed. We have people scared to go out of their homes. We have
grandparents unable to see their grandchildren. Weddings canceled. The
government is dictating when and how people can do things. Freedoms are being
stripped. People are arguing over what is right. People are fighting over food.
Fear is running most of America. I used to think the Bible was an old book that
was out of date and would have no relevance in my life. HA! Well, I have been
reading in Exodus 15. The Israelites had been enslaved in Egypt for years. They
have been forced to worship other gods or face persecution. They have been
starved. They have been killed. They have seen horrors that no human should ever
have to witness. After years of this treatment, many believe that this is the
only way of life. Many fall in line. Many choose to worship other gods
willingly. Many have been indoctrinated into this type of life. When we get to
Exodus 15, the Israelites have just witnessed the ten plagues. They have just
witnessed the Nile turn to blood, killing most things in the water. Then every
other body of water in Egypt turn to blood. The word tells us the water stank. They
have witnessed the land filled with frogs. So many frogs that the land stank. They
witnessed swarms of gnats. This must have brought maggots. This would have given
a horrible odor everywhere. They witnessed swarms of flies. This too, would
have brought maggots. This would have increased the smell to an unbearable
level. They witnessed all of the Egyptians livestock die. The smell of rotting
flesh is something that a person can never forget. They witnessed man and beast
covered in boils. Now with no water to keep these boils clean, many would become
infected and become putrid. The most common way to dress those wounds would have been with leaves from different plants. They witnessed all the fields filled
with hail, thunder and fire. All of those leaves that could have been used for
dressing the boils, were ruined. They then witnessed the locusts come and eat
everything the hail had not destroyed. They witnessed darkness over Egypt for
three days. They witnessed the Holy Spirit come all through Egypt killing off the first born of every house not marked for God’s people. This would have been thousands of people dead. They witnessed the Pharaoh release them from slavery. They witnessed the Lord lead them with a pillar of fire while they traveled at night. They witnessed the Red Sea split in two. They witnessed the walls of the sea held back by God. They crossed the sea and came to dry ground and witnessed the sea burst back into its bed behind them. Moses led them into the wilderness. Up until this point, they have witnessed miracle after miracle. They have been freed. They have walked
away from what bound them. This was a choice. Anyone who wanted to stay, could
have stayed. They must have been on a huge spiritual high. I know I would have
been! Then… they wandered through the wilderness for three days without water.
Three days. After three days they complained to Moses about not having
something to drink. The only source of water at their location was bitter. Meaning,
while it wouldn’t kill them, it was not desired. This water was not what they
wanted. How many times has this happened in our life? How many times have we
witnessed the Lord move and we show him our love and admiration? How many times do we enjoy what he is doing in our life and we worship him? How often has he freed us from bondage? How many times have we immediately complained because things suddenly are not what we want? How often do we question the Lord’s motives when they don’t line up with our plans? Have you ever walked into
freedom only to end up in a situation that, while better, isn’t what you want?
If we keep reading in this passage we see that God uses Moses to make the water
not only not bitter, but also sweet. The bitterness lasted a short time. God didn’t
change the water because the people grumbling. God changed the water because he could. Enduring undesirable things in life for a short time and praising the
Lord all the while, is still better than living in bondage and away from the
Lord. Just remember there is always a lesson in the undesirable times. I encourage
you to read through this passage and see what the Lord reveals to you. Exodus
15:22-25. I also encourage you to continue to verse 27 and ponder the significance
of the 12 springs and the 70 trees. Grace and Peace. Love you all!


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I just want to be the Proverbs 31 wife, not the warrior woman.