A place for the Lord's Testament

Hello all,

    I am so excited to be writing to you all again. I like to take the abide season off to spend more time filling up with the Lord and less time pouring out. We all need to take time to just fill our cups. We are all ready to start this new season of ministry and I hope that everyone’s season of rest went well, and you all learned new things. If you did not rest with the Lord I strongly encourage you to consider this work-rest rhythm. The voice of the Lord in your life will give you more than my words ever could.

I am still digging line by line through Exodus. I have been digging for a year now and I can honestly say that there is no other way that I would want the Lord to reveal things to me. If you are reading this, I am going to assume it is because you want to learn a little more as well. So, before you read the rest of this post, I am going to suggest that you read through Exodus 25. (I would also suggest that you read back through Exodus 20-24 and really dig into the Ten Commandments and why they are individually so important.) I am going to just dip into this a little bit with you. I will attempt not to chase the rabbit into the hole. No promises.

At the start of Exodus 25, The Lord said to Moses, “speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution, from every man whose heart moves him you shall  receive the contribution for me” Let those words of God sink in.

“from every man whose heart moves him”

The Lord once again gave a choice when he didn’t have to. These people are going to make a place to worship God and offer up sacrifices. Until this moment the people of Israel have been walking from place to place. They have been worshipping from place to place. The Lord is now allowing them (even if mobile) a place to worship him and feel closer to him. Having the choice to offer something up to the Lord is something that we still have now. I can choose to believe in him. I can choose to welcome him in my heart. I can choose to be transformed by his Word. I can choose to spend time with him. OR… I can choose the world. The world is easier. The world is cozy and I can just do nothing. The text shows us that our hearts will be moved or they wont.

I am reminded…

Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved- Romans 10:9”

I’m not going to chase the rabbit into all the significance of each thing that was asked to be contributed. I will move on to the Ark of the Covenant. Take not of these instructions that are coming from above. The Lord has said gather these contributions. Then gives a list. He starts going into detail on how to construct this tabernacle. When we build a home, we start with the foundation, then move on to the frame, then the exterior, then the walls, flooring, paint, etc.. Then when all this is done, we put our family in it. The heart of our life. No, no, no. Remember; the kingdom is upside down. The Lord starts listing things that are to be built from the inside out. Does he not do the same on us? Does he not first change our hearts?

           OK, lets dig into this Ark. Ark- from the Hebrew word aron. A chest. Originates from the word arah: to gather. (interesting) There are two popular arks in the word. The Ark of the Covenant and the more popular Ark of the Flood. We see the Lord give very specific instructions about this box that is to hold the tablets with the Ten Commandments. The Lords testimony. His Code. This seemingly simple list of things is what is given to the Israelites. Before the commandments were given to Moses, God said, “ I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery”. So, God tells them what he has done and what he expects in return. This is his covenant with us. This is his offer to us. Believe that it is an offer. Believe that when we do not hold up out end of the covenant we find ourselves enslaved by sin. That same sin is what causes us to break covenants we have made with other people. Spouses. Disciples. The Testament that we have with God is so important that he wanted us to kept it in a box . A box that can keep it set apart. A box that the priest would have to visit, on our behave, on scheduled basis. A box that could bring death to anyone or anything that stood against it. (chase that rabbit yourself!)

            My question for you is this:

How do you keep your Covenant, agreements, and relationship with the Lord safe? Is it even important enough for you protect? If your covenant with the Lord is important to you, do you nurture it?

Grace & Peace



Growth, Bearing Fruit, Cross Pollinating, Fertilizing, Pruning.

