4th Letter to My Brothers and Sisters

My Brothers and Sisters

            I apologize for this letter getting to you so late in the week. I had plans for this letter to arrive to you on Monday. However, a mountain of worldly issues popped up. I hope this letter finds you well in your walk with the Lord.

I have recently been asked multiple times about the term APEST. This term has been brought up to me by a few people that heard the term spoken from the stage. The term is an acronym.

A-   Apostle: a messenger, envoy, delegate, one commissioned by another to represent him in some way, especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel.

P-   Prophet: an interpreter or forth-teller of the divine will, one who speaks forth by the inspiration of God

E- Evangelist: someone with a vocational calling from God to announce the good news of the Gospel

S- Shepherd: someone who the Lord raises up to care for the total well-being of His flock

T- Teacher: a teacher, an instructor acknowledged for their mastery in their field of learning; in Scripture, a Bible teacher, competent in theology.

All of these terms grouped together come from Ephesians 4:11. Working out of your APEST is one of the 4 parts to seeing a movement of Christianity. At Harrah Church, we believe that there is more movement when people are allowed to be what the Lord made them. Example: I am a Prophet – Shepherd. My number one concern is people hearing the voice of the Lord. My number two is if everyone has someone to walk with them through their growth. One thing that I am not; an evangelist. Jenny has never asked me to be a door greeter. I am not sure if it is the constant look on my face that says, “ Don’t talk to me”. I am not sure if it is the fact that I feel like I am going to vomit every time I talk to someone new. What I know is; not being a door greeter frees me up to serve in other areas. While I am not gifted in the greeting area (Evangelist) I am Beyond grateful to have amazing, loving and welcoming people there. They are the first face people see when they walk in our doors. They are the first glimpse of Jesus people see when they come. They are what motivate people to walk from the front doors to the Worship hall doors. Grace and Peace.

Your sister



5th Letter: Mathetrias!


3rd letter to my Brothers and Sisters